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Return Naturopathy Consult (30 mins)

Return Visit for Current Patients

30 min
119 Australian dollars

Appointment Details

During your return appointment, we will assess the ongoing results of your treatment plan and discuss relevant adjustments as required. Perhaps most importantly, education will be provided gradually, step-by-step, around progressive dietary and lifestyle changes necessary for your recovery. While receiving active treatment, we will concentrate on resolving your symptoms through systematic treatment of the cause of disease. Tailored herbal and nutritional prescriptions will be recommended to fast track your results. Repeat appointments are tailored to address relevant topics for growth and adjustment, which we will implement in logical progression, as discussed during your prior Report of Findings Appointment. Appointments are scheduled every two to three weeks, and I will continue to work very closely with you until we start seeing significant health improvements and resolution of the complaint(s). Ongoing test results will be reviewed, as relevant, and you will be provided with a realistic timeline for Naturopathic care. As soon as possible, you will be transitioned into the Maintenance Phase of treatment: This involves tapering off any herbal or nutritional supplements that are no longer needed for support, and really focussing in on diet and lifestyle changes that will prevent a resurgence of symptoms. Emphasis will be placed on ensuring new habits are solidified for the long-term. Once we have reached the Maintenance Phase, we will reduce the frequency your return consults. As soon as you experience siginficant improvements in your wellbeing, we will adjust our treatment plan to only include a check in a couple of times per year. During these appointments, our goal will be to assess your ongoing plans for health maintenance, and to address any new challenges that arise. This is a great opportunity for us to perform a bi-annual detox plan + health reset, to keep your results on track.

Ready to get started?

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